Hi there!

My name is Vivien Panagos and I am a Yoga Alliance UK registered Vinyasa Yoga teacher.
I am a proud Greek mama of two stinky cute boys, a Montessori trained teacher, a foodie and nature lover. Twinkly lights, fireworks and the smell of jasmine rocks my world! I am deeply in love with my family, kids, life, animals, actually all living things, roller-coasters, fairy stories, arts & crafts, going on forest adventures with my kids and anything and everyone that gets me moving and laughing out loud!

I am not bendy by nature. I have always been a tomboy. Running, swimming, skiing and playing tennis were my favorite sports when i was young(er).  Only after i started to seriously practice yoga, almost 11 years ago, i managed to wake up and extend my short, tight muscles. I have to work double  hard to be able to touch my toes. Wait, what? Yes really!  However i am in peace with my body now, my mind is not constantly screaming “you must get yourself in such and such asana”. I have learned to just go with the flow. Listen to my body, do the best i can and be happy when enough is enough.
Yoga is not about being flexible in the body, it’s about being flexible in the mind.